Before purchasing a product it is good to know all of the facts, enabling you to make an informed decision, and ultimately the best decision for you and your requirements.

Most hand sanitisers available contain alcohol, and most consumers assume for this reason the product is more strong and able to fight against germs and bacteria, this however is not the case. Alcohol-free hand gels are just as effective, and in some cases offer you enhanced protection, being able to fight against more resilient germs such as; Norovirus and C-Diff.

As well as serving its purpose in offering a shield against bacteria and germs, alcohol-free hand sanitiser offers some great benefits too. It is a non-flammable product, which offers great peace of mind from a health and safety perspective, especially when being used in public areas, or around children.

Due to not having alcohol within it the solution is more skin friendly, being gentle in application, and acting more like a moisturiser, leaving your skin feeling soft and not dry.

These reasons were more than enough for us to know that alcohol-free was the right choice for us, and our product.